There must be either a space or a period after an initial if it is followed by another initial or name We suggest you entering full names in the Author field
Authors names can be entered in various ways, but consistency is important. Otherwise the software will assume it is the name of an individual and output it as Zealand, C.N. For corporate or group authors, e.g., a report by Creative New Zealand, you must add a comma directly after the last letter of the name.
Check APA 7th & EndNote if you are having trouble
Some less common reference types require specific and unusual adjustments. Find instructions in the Review and edit references page. Watch this video: EndNote 20 (Windows) Create a new reference Review your reference(s)Īfter a reference has been entered to your Library, you should check the reference output and edit any field that has not been entered correcly. Alternatively, you can select Reference > New Reference, or press (PC) or (Mac). Click the add new reference icon on the EndNote library toolbar. Make any changes, save and Previewto check again. If there are modifications that need to be made, Edit the reference entry. Highlight your newly entered reference in All References, then select the Previewtab to review how it appears in your selected Reference style. A sample completed Book Section template is shown below (except for the edition field which is further down). Alternatively you can simply close the Edit screen, and EndNote will prompt you to save the changes. Press (PC) or (Mac) to close the template. Press (PC) or (Mac)to save the reference. Once you have finished entering (or editing) details Save the reference and Close the edit screen. Author names can be entered in several different ways, as shown below. Book section (a chapter): Editor, Book Title, Publisher, Pages, Edition. Journal Article: Journal Title, Volume, Issue and Page information. Enter all the details required for an accurate reference, eg.
If you are NOT entering a Journal Article, click the drop-down arrow and select the correct Reference Type Important: by default the template for entering a Journal Article will appear.
Alternatively, you can select Reference > New Reference, or press (PC) or (Mac). Click the New Reference icon on the EndNote library toolbar.