The biggest feature that makes Goodreader a point of discussion today is its sync feature with Dropbox.

You can read them on any platform and the notes are viewable everywhere. PDF files are a safe bet because they’re just everywhere. It let’s you view and annotate PDF files along with many other features which I’ll cover in a future review. Goodreader is the best document viewing application on iPhone or iPad. If you haven’t heard about Goodreader before then you must have been living under a rock. I want these notes to be available on my iPad and iPhone and on my Mac (and any other platform for the future). My use case is that I want to have the books I read backed up online but more than that I want to be able to read them and make notes that sync with the books. Today we’re going to take a look at the pros and cons of both options. When viewing books on the iPad there are a number of options, the two biggest being PDF with Goodreader and Kindle formatted book with the Kindle software.